Published: Nov 1, 2018
Last update: Apr 2, 2019

For Japanese concert/event tickets, there are 2 major legit resale ticket sites;
In this article, we're going deep into how to use them, their fees and payment methods.
(For your info; TICKET CAMP, the best Japanese resale ticket site ever made so far, sadly no longer functions, as they were crushed down by one legacy idol office Johnny's.)
If you wish to avoid complication and trouble, you can order tickets through Ticket Japaaan, in which case you won't need to know what's written in this article :)
Preparation: We recommend you install the Google Translate extension/add-on to your internet browser to translate a whole Japanese site page in a flash from Japanese into your language, to help get better ideas of what's written on the site (although sometimes Google Translate doesn't do a good job with Japanese language).
1. Register / log in to TICKET RYUTSU CENTER.
- Register: If you haven't, register and make your account. The usual email confirmation registration or Twitter registration.
- Log in: If you already have your account, just click the Log-in button.

2. Type in artist's name in the search window and click.
3. Customize your search.
Not necessary, but it's always better to have a good view over tickets you may be interested in.

- Dates: Click on the date you are looking for. The most left Dates button means "All dates".
- Hours: Starting hours of the show. (No need to specify if there's only one show on the date.)
- In order of...:
1st option; In order of dates (Soon→Later)
2nd option; In order of Cheap→Expensive
3rd option; In order of Expensive→Cheap
4th option; In order of More recently→Less recently (re: coming up on the site)
- Ticket Type: Depending on the show, ticket types can be; S tickets, A tickets, B tickets, Arena, Standing, Stadium, 1F, 2F, 1-Day tickets, 2-Day tickets, All-day tickets, etc., or none. (But not "Fan club tickets".)
スタンディング (Standing) = Standing tickets.
スタンド (Stand) = In Japanese language, this mean the stadium part of venue. Mostly seated.
- Include/Excludes "Unavailable": Basically you can always click on the right button (and keep it that way), so you'll only see ticket listings available for you. (Click the red "Available" button to move to the purchase page.)
- Ticket price before fees: Ticket price before any fees. On TICKET RYUTSU CENTER, shipping fee will not be charged regardless of physical shipping or however you receive ticket from seller.
- Conditions: See ↓

① 1 ticket available: 1-ticket listings will be included. If you see this on a multiple-ticket listing, 1 ticket is available out of the multiple tickets.
② 2 tickets available: 2 tickets available out of multiple-ticket listings.
③ 3 tickets available: 3 tickets available out of multiple-ticket listings.
④ 4 tickets available: 4 tickets available out of multiple-ticket listings.
⑤ Physical shipping: Tickets that will be physically shipped to the address of the resale ticket site account holder (always the way someone at the address has to sign on the ticket item envelope to receive). Shipping address must be the purchaser's address registered on TICKET RYUTSU CENTER, or any other address in Japan that tickets can be received at under the purchaser's name.
⑥ Digital tickets / e-Tickets: Tickets will be digital, so you will digitally have them on your mobile device. In most cases they are not transferrable thus we Ticket Japaaan canNOT get them for you. Exceptional, transferrable digital tickets we've done so far are: One Ok Rock's digital tickets (although may be tricky to get them onto your phone), Yayoi Kusama Museum.
⑦ Ticket issuing number: You will only see ticket listings of which sellers would give the purchaser the ticket issuing number, so the purchaser can pick up the tickets from convenience store. If we Ticket Japaaan purchase these tickets for you, we can pick up the tickets (and send to you), or you customers can pick up yourself when in Japan.
⑧ Hand in person: Sellers would give you tickets in person. Which means the seller and the purchaser will need to talk about what time and where to meet up on the day of the show. We Ticket Japaaan will NOT handle them for you, as we won't be a translator between customers and the seller. We could still get them for you, but you'll need to be able to well-communicate with the seller (heads-up: Japanese people may not be able to use English.)
⑨ Female name: Tickets have / may have a female name on them.
⑩ Male name: Tickets have / may have a male name on them.
⑪ No name: Tickets have no name on them. You won't need to worry about ID checks (although not many Japanese artists/shows do ID checks).
⑫ Reasonable tickets: Tickets that run cheaper than its original ticket price.
⑬ Secure Delivery Service available: With this Secure Delivery service, purchaser will not need to give their address to sellers; the tickets will be sent from the seller to the resale site's office, then to the purchaser. In case we Ticket Japaaan purchase such these tickets for you we do not use this option for reasons - this Secure Delivery Service will require a few more days than the usual direct delivery from the seller to us Ticket Japaaan, it should not matter to you if the seller will know our address, and this Secure Delivery Service would cost 810 JPY (on you customers).
4. Check ticket listings' descriptions.

- Newly available: Listing that came available recently.
- Immediate purchase: Listing that you can purchase immediately. Without this, the seller has the right to decline your purchase. Thus we Ticket Japaaan handle the "Immediate purchase" ticket listings only.
- Ticket not painted: No paint on any part of the ticket. We shouldn't need to mind about this. (Back in the days in Japan, people sometimes painted some parts like name part on tickets so a different person could hopefully go in to the venue. But not the last decade.)
- Ticket issuing number: Seller gives you its ticket issuing number, so you can pick up the ticket yourself in Japan (basically from a convenience store).
- Remarks: Some details about the ticket listing. Sellers typically mention here the listing being fan club tickets or not.
- Female name on ticket: Listing that may have a female name on it.
- Male name on ticket: Listing that may have a male name on it.

- Cheaper than original: Listing that is cheaper than the ticket's official original price.
- Digital tickets / e-Tickets: Tickets will be digital, so you will digitally have them on your mobile device. In most cases they are not transferrable thus we Ticket Japaaan canNOT get them for you. Exceptional, transferrable digital tickets we've done so far are: One Ok Rock's digital tickets (although may be tricky to get them onto your phone), Yayoi Kusama Museum.
- Physical shipping: Tickets will be physically sent to your address registered on the site (in Japan only. Not any other country).

- Available until tomorrow: Listing that's available until tomorrow (basically because its show date is close).
- Right before the show. Hand in person: Seller gives you the ticket in person, because the show is close. (We Ticket Japaaan do NOT handle those tickets, because we don't want to be a translator since customer and seller may need our urgent translations on where and what time to meet up and many other things.)

- Show is today: Literally, today is the show date (so ticket delivery should always be either "Hand in person", "Ticket issuing number" or "Digital ticket").
5. Purchase!

Purchase: Click the red button to proceed to purchase. (The button is red only when the listing is available.) After clicking this red Purchase button, you'll click a few more buttons before your order is actually placed.

TICKET RYUTSU CENTER's available payment methods:
- Japanese credit cards (issued in Japan): VISA, Mastercard, JCB
- Combini payment: Pay at any Seven Eleven, Lawson, Family Mart, etc. throughout Japan.
- PayPal: In case of paper tickets AND physical shipping digital tickets. NOT in case of digital tickets, ticket issuing numbers or hand-in-person. With this payment method available, you'll need to receive your delivered resale ticket yourself in person from the mail person at a Japanese address registered on the resale ticket site account.
- Japanese bank online transfer (Japanese banks only)
- Pay-Easy ATM (ATM's at banks and post offices): Not available in case of "Immediate purchase".
(Reference: TICKET RYUTSU CENTER's fee page)
- Message to seller/TICKET RYUTSU CENTER: You can, but not necessarily, write a message to them if you need to tell them something.

TICKET RYUTSU CENTER's total charge of all
= Total ticket price + Commission + Secure Delivery Service fee (only if used. 810 JPY)
・Total ticket price = Ticket price * Number of tickets
・Commission = 432 JPY, 756 JPY, or 3.24% of Ticket price
・432 JPY: If Total ticket price is 10,000 JPY or less
・756 JPY: If Total ticket price is 30,000 JPY or less
・3.24% of Total ticket price: If Total ticket price is 30,001 JPY or more
・Secure Delivery Service fee = 810 JPY if used (fixed), or 0 JPY if not used
・This Secure Delivery Service will not be used (thus not charged for) when you order through us Ticket Japaaan.
(Reference: TICKET STREET's fee page)
1. Register / log in to TICKET STREET.
- Register: If you haven't, register and make your account. The usual email confirmation registration or Twitter registration.
- Log in: If you already have your account, just click the Log-in button.

2. Type in artist's name in the search window and click.

3. Customize your search.
Not necessary, but it's always better to have a good view over tickets you may be interested in.

- Prefecture: You can (don't need to) choose the prefecture of the show you are looking at.
- Date/Event: Dates and Event names of the artist. You can (don't need to but are recommended to) choose one date.
- In order of...: (Left to Right)
・New; In order of New→Old
・Dates; In order of Soon→Later
・Expensive; In order of Expensive→Cheap
・Cheap; In order of Cheap → Expensive (Recommended)
- Availability: (Left to Right)
・Available over Unavailable; You'll see available ticket listings over unavailable ones.
・Only available; You'll see available ticket listings only. (Recommended)
・All; You'll see all available and unavailable ticket listings.
- Less than original price: Tick in to see only ticket listings that are cheaper than the original ticket price.
- How many tickets: (Top to Bottom)
・All: You will see all ticket listings regardless of how many tickets are available.
・1 ticket available = 1-ticket listings will be included. If you see this on a multiple-ticket listing, 1 ticket is available out of the multiple tickets.
・2 tickets available = 2 tickets available out of multiple-ticket listings.
・3 tickets available = 3 tickets available out of multiple-ticket listings.
・4 tickets available = 4 tickets available out of multiple-ticket listings.
4. Check ticket listings' descriptions.

- Newly available: Listing that came available recently.
- How many tickets available: The number shows how many tickets each listing has. (Each listing's displayed price is the price per ticket before any fees.)
- Separate purchase available: You can purchase however many tickets within the number of tickets the listing has.
- Separate purchase NOT available: All the tickets of listings have to be purchased altogether.

- Immediate purchase: Listing that you can purchase immediately. Without this, the seller has the right to decline your purchase. Thus we Ticket Japaaan handle the "Immediate purchase" ticket listings only.
- Ticket pickup at Combini: Sellers would give purchaser the ticket issuing number, so the purchaser can pick up the tickets from convenience store. If we Ticket Japaaan purchase these tickets for you, we can pick up the tickets (and send to you), or you customers can pick up yourself when in Japan.
- Fan club tickets: Tickets obtained from artist's fan club. Basically better than any other kinds of tickets. (There can be several kinds of fan club tickets.)
- Play-guide tickets: Tickets obtained NOT from artist's fan club. We Ticket Japaaan call them non-fanclub tickets.

- Organizer tickets: Tickets obtained from its event organizer / organizing company (different from fan club). Typically not as good as fan club tickets, but better than play-guide tickets. (Fan club tickets > Organizer tickets > Play-guide tickets)

- Hand in person: Sellers would give you tickets in person. Which means the seller and the purchaser will need to talk about what time and where to meet up on the day of the show. We Ticket Japaaan will NOT handle them for you, as we won't be a translator between customers and the seller. We could still get them for you, but you'll need to be able to well-communicate with the seller (heads-up: Japanese people may not be able to use English.)

- Digital ticket / e-Ticket: Tickets will be digital, so you will digitally have them on your mobile device. In most cases they are not transferrable thus we Ticket Japaaan canNOT get them for you. Exceptional, transferrable digital tickets we've done so far are: One Ok Rock's digital tickets (although may be tricky to get them onto your phone), Yayoi Kusama Museum.
*When a ticket listing is not "Hand in person" or "Digital tickets", it will be Physical shipping; tickets will be physically sent to your address registered on the site (in Japan only. Not any other country. Physical shipping fee, if any, fixed at 510 JPY, will be added).
- Female name on ticket: Listing that may have a female name on it.

- Male name on ticket: Listing that may have a male name on it.
- No name on ticket: Listing that's confirmed to have no name on it. You shouldn't need to worry about being ID checked at entry to venue.
5. Check details of a listing

- To details: Just click anywhere on a listing you are interested in. Then you'll see its details page like this ↓

- Choose how many tickets to purchase (if possible): When you are allowed to choose the number of tickets to purchase, you can choose a number here.
- Purchase: Proceed to the purchase page. If clicked, order won't be placed yet.
- Ticket type, Seat/admission number: Seller may (not necessarily) show ticket type and/or seat/admission number of ticket. (Seller shouldn't show the exact seat/admission number, because strict artists may not let those in with the ticket they know has been resold.)
- Around when seller sends ticket: The date shown here is basically "from around when the seller is able and supposed to send you the tickets to you."
- Shipping fee occurs or not: In case shipping fee would be charged to you for shipping, you'll see the price, which is always fixed at 510 JPY. (Even if seller will send ticket to you, some listings might not charge you shipping fee.)
- Explanation if any: If any, seller puts explanations. I.e. In the above listing, it says "Tickets directly arranged from the event organizing company."
- Date to be unlisted: Date that the listing will be gone off the site, whether purchased by someone or not.
- Write/send question to seller: You can write questions you want to ask to seller. You don't see this column when seller doesn't accept questions (in which case you have no way to ask anything about the ticket).
6. Purchase!

- Delivery to your registered info (name, address, phone): Seller would send to you just as registered on TICKET STREET.
- Delivery to another name/address/phone: If you click on the right tab, you can input different name/address/phone than the registered ones. (See below)
- Further to purchase: Proceed further to proceed. If this is clicked, your order still won't be placed yet.
- Coupon code if any: Input a coupon code here if you have. (You need to have bought quite a few tickets to get a coupon.)
- Available payment methods:
・Credit cards; VISA, Mastercard, JCB (issued in Japan)
・Combini; Pay at a convenience store; Any Seven Eleven, Lawson, Family Mart, etc. throughout Japan.
・ATM at local bank; Japan Post Bank, Mizuho Bank, Mitsuisumitomo Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Risona Bank, Saitama Risona Bank, Chiba Bank, Pay-easy
・Internet banks; Jibun Bank, Japan Net Bank, Sumishin SBI Net Bank, Rakuten Bank, Pay-easy
(Reference: TICKET STREET's payment methods page)

- Fees: (Top to Bottom. More details below in "Fees of TICKET STREET")
・Total charge of all; The entire money you'll need to pay TICKET STREET for purchase. = The sum of all the following 5 price/fees.
・Total ticket price = Ticket price * Number of tickets
・Secure Plus fee = The higher one either (1,080 JPY) or (10%-30% of Total ticket price + Tax 8% of Secure Plus fee)
・Transaction fee = 432 JPY or 5.4% of Total ticket price
・Shipping fee = 510 JPY or 0 JPY
・Payment fee = 324 JPY or 3.24% of the total of all 4 fees above
(Reference: TICKET STREET's fee page)
- Shipping info (address, name, phone)
- Modify shipping info: Go back to the previous shipping info page to change shipping info.
- Confirm purchase: If clicked, your purchase is officially set. After clicked, you'll need to complete payment in 1 hour using whichever available payment method.
- Ticket details: Ticket details all the same as you have seen before this page.
Fees & Payment methods
TICKET RYUTSU CENTER's total fee is always cheaper than TICKET STREET's (between "somehow" to "quite").
If you are purchasing resale tickets through us Ticket Japaaan, Ticket Japaaan service fees will be added to the resale ticket site's total fee mentioned as follows.
= Total ticket price + Commission + Secure Delivery Service fee (810 JPY)
Total ticket price = Ticket price * Number of tickets
Commission: 432 JPY, 756 JPY, or 3.24% of Ticket price
・432 JPY: If Total ticket price is 10,000 JPY or less
・756 JPY: If Total ticket price is 30,000 JPY or less
・3.24% of Total ticket price: If Total ticket price is 30,001 JPY or more
Secure Delivery Service fee: 810 JPY (fixed)
・This Secure Delivery Service will not be used (thus not charged for) when you order through us Ticket Japaaan.
(Reference: TICKET RYUTSU CENTER's fee page)
TICKET RYUTSU CENTER's payment methods:
- Japanese credit cards (issued in Japan): VISA, Mastercard, JCB
- Combini payment: Pay at any Seven Eleven, Lawson, Family Mart, etc. throughout Japan.
- PayPal: In case of paper tickets AND physical shipping digital tickets. NOT in case of digital tickets, ticket issuing numbers or hand-in-person. With this payment method available, you'll need to receive your delivered resale ticket yourself in person from the mail person at a Japanese address registered on the resale ticket site account.
- Japanese bank online transfer (Japanese banks only)
- Pay-Easy ATM (ATM's at banks and post offices): Not available in case of "Immediate purchase".
(Reference: TICKET RYUTSU CENTER's payment methods page)
TICKET STREET's total fee
= (Total ticket price + Commission + Secure Plus fee + Shipping fee 510 JPY) + Payment fee
Total ticket price = Ticket price * Number of tickets
Secure Plus fee = The higher one either (1,080 JPY) or (10%-30% of Total ticket price + Tax 8% of Secure Plus fee)
・Charged only if the Secure Plus service is used. This Secure Plus service will not be used (thus not charged for) when you order through us Ticket Japaaan.
・TICKET STREET only says the Secure Plus fee varies depending on the show and/or date, detailing no further. But in most cases it seems to be 10% + tax.
Transaction fee = 432 JPY or 5.4% of Total ticket price
・432 JPY (tax incl.): If Total ticket price is 8,000 JPY or less
・5.4% (tax incl.) of Total ticket price: If Total ticket price is 8,001 JPY or more
Shipping fee = 510 JPY or 0 JPY
・510 JPY in case of any physical delivery
・No shipping fee in case of non-physical delivery ( = digital tickets or Hand-in-person)
Payment fee = 324 JPY, or 3.24% of the total of all 4 fees above
・324 JPY (tax incl.): If Total ticket price is 10,000 JPY or less
・3.24% (tax incl.) of Total ticket price: If Total ticket price is 10,001 JPY or more
(Reference: TICKET STREET's fee page)
TICKET STREET's payment methods:
・Credit cards; VISA, Mastercard, JCB (issued in Japan)
・Combini; Pay at a convenience store; Any Seven Eleven, Lawson, Family Mart, etc. throughout Japan.
・ATM at local bank; Japan Post Bank, Mizuho Bank, Mitsuisumitomo Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Risona Bank, Saitama Risona Bank, Chiba Bank, Pay-easy
・Internet banks; Jibun Bank, Japan Net Bank, Sumishin SBI Net Bank, Rakuten Bank, Pay-easy
(Reference: TICKET STREET's payment methods page)
Thank you for reading!
If you would like to avoid all the complication or trouble in getting tickets to your favorite artist's show in Japan, remember you have Ticket Japaaan :)
Related articles:
- How to Get Japanese Concert Tickets Most Efficiently Ever <How the Japanese ticket world works> - To be published