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BTS Japan tour 2019 resale tickets available now!


Published: May 10, 2019

Last update: June 29, 2019

Resale tickets for BTS Japan tour 2019 July 6th & 7th (Osaka) and July 13th & 14th (Shizuoka) are still available and you can secure them right now!

For BTS tickets, we always recommend and use the following resale ticket site called Ticket Ryutsu Center;

(Osaka shows' resale tickets' seat info available now)

Anticipated Osaka floor plan -

(Shizuoka shows' resale tickets' seat info available now)

Anticipated Shizuoka floor plan -

Live Viewing events at cinemas in various cities, only for the July 14th show -

(Much cheaper than the actual shows' tickets)

How to navigate the resale ticket site:

In most cases it may be difficult for foreigners to get BTS resale tickets, especially if you don't live in Japan.

In case you need help in purchasing BTS resale tickets, you can order through us Ticket Japaaan. We've managed quite a few tickets of BTS so far, for their 2018 Japan tour and 2019 Japan tour :)

(We've managed more than those tickets!)


We strongly recommend you going for non-fanclub tickets instead of fanclub tickets, according to the following news from BTS announced on June 26th.

BTS official site by Google Translate ↓

A few general heads-ups about resale tickets;

- Some tickets have a name on it (typically purchaser’s name), some don't. I or anyone can not put any name on resale tickets. In case anyone's name will be on your ticket, I'll attach a small note to your ticket saying "I, *name on ticket*, bought this ticket solely for my friend *your name*, not for the resale purpose. Please kindly let this friend of mine in and let her/him enjoy the concert," so that you can show it to the venue staff if needed. But still I cannot be responsible or won’t refund if you won’t be successfully let into the venue.

- I also won’t be responsible or won’t refund in case re-sellers don’t do what they are supposed to do, i.e. deliver in time.

- As we speak, resale tickets may be taken by anyone and its prices may change. Thus there's no guarantee that the ticket(s) we talk about will still be there for us. If I’ll fail to get it, I will of course refund you in full for the unsuccessful ticket(s).


Thank you for checking!

We Ticket Japaaan are able to apply for almost all lotteries (a.k.a ballots) or sales for your favorite artist's tickets to concerts in Japan regardless of them being exclusively available for ticket sites' premium/paid members :)

(We've confirmed that other similar services are not able to as of Nov 13th 2018, assumingly because they don't dare to invest in those costly memberships.)

But we are NOT able to apply for lotteries or sales that are available only among the artist's fanclub members unless you are one of them.

Even if lotteries/sales of your show are overdue or sold-out, you can still just go ahead and ask us for that show's tickets because resell tickets may be available for you.

Just tell us what you're after via Ticket Japaaan order form !


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